media is killing social media

Ben Shaw and Jack Colchester


By Ben Shaw, Head of BBH Live and Jack Colchester, Senior Data Strategist at BBH Live who recently picked up the WARC Grand Prix for Effectiveness in Social.

“This is definitely a rant but it’s also a bit of a plea, so just go with it. I’ll probably get a bit angry and I’ll probably get quite a lot of people disagreeing with me, especially with all the media lot in the room,” began Ben Shaw’s talk at Social Media Week 2017 and he certainly didn’t disappoint.

He went on to argue that the steep increase in paid media on social, combined with a shift in marketing towards short-termism, has given rise to a nonsense of KPIs and ‘best practice principles’ that have left brands prioritising a ‘2 second 50% view’ over real impact. So stick your headphones in, get your notepad out and let Ben take you through the 10 Social Commandments for Creative Effectiveness or have a read of the deck below instead.