51.51269, -0.13962


  • Most Marketing Is Bad Because It Ignores Basic Data


    Despite data being one of marketing’s current obsessions, most brands aren’t extracting value from 11 of the most basic data-points available to everyone, writes Tom Roach, Managing Partner, Effectiveness, BBH.

  • Media is Killing Social Media


    Ben Shaw & Jack Colchester share what’s definitely a rant but also a bit of a plea, so just go with it.

  • If You Want to Speak to Everyone, Speak to Someone


    Brands are so afraid of turning any potential buyers off, they are increasingly making work that fails to turn anyone on argues John Harrison.


  • Grime, Gaming, KFC


    Lucian Trestler and Tom Hargreaves take a look at today’s youth culture and where brands fit in.

  • Making the Right Magic Win


    Agathe Guerrier, Frances Great, Zach Hilder and Pelle Sjoenell from BBH LA share their point of view on Trump’s American and the post-truth media world.

  • Foresight, Hindsight, Insight


    Achim Shcauerte looks into the role of forecasting and foresight in the modern age, and whether data can ever be trusted.

  • Can We Really Make A Difference?


    Lilli English writes about what the recent US election means for the industry and whether we, as advertisers, can really make a difference.

  • To The Ends of the Earth


    Achim Schaerute introduces the next phase of BBH Labs as he takes over editorial from Jeremy Ettinghausen.


  • Google #Firestarters 3: Building a New Agency OS


    Mel Exon writes about the third event in the Google #Firestarters series: Neil Perkin’s thoughts on “legacy structures, processes and thinking”.

  • Missing Texture


    Jeremy Ettinghausen asks: wouldn’t it be nice to smell the internet?

  • On-Off Relationships


    It’s nearly impossible these days to conduct any relationship entirely offline, writes Sarah Eno.

  • 99% Attitude


    Nicky Vita reflects on her experiences at the Temple Synagogue in Krakow’s historical Jewish district, Kazimeirz, on the closing night of Unsound, an avant-garde music festival with the central theme of “Future Shock”.

  • Searching for Sagacity


    Every day we use technology to find answers. Dan Harris looks at our increasing reliance on a fast digital response, and how it leads us away from existing relationships and habits.

  • Brands & Gossip


    Brands like people talking about them in a positive way. Brands love when fans adore them and signify that their life is better because Brand X is in it. This is the Pleasantville of marketing. Reality isn’t so generous, writes Griffin Farley.

  • I Love the Echo Chamber


    We regularly fear living in an echo chamber. Here, Saneel Radia writes about a recent study that has led her to reexamine the so-called echo chamber.

  • Internet Trends: 2011


    Adam Powers reviews Mary Meeker’s latest Internet Trends presentation.

  • Encapsulation, Tree Rings & Why the Future is Driven By the Past


    David Bryant looks at how new technology emerges and the process of encapsulation that is prevalent everywhere in technology.

  • Fuel For Little Gamers


    Pablo Marques writes about Weetakid, the execution of Weetabix’s brand strategy and how it is a direct solution to a clear business challenge.

  • To Sleep, To Dream


    Jim Carroll reflects on sleep and how it is an untapped opportunity for brands as he embarks on a three month sabbatical.

  • Sell the Audience, Not the Story


    Jeremy Ettinghausen reflects on Power to the Pixel’s Pixel Lab held at Schwielowsee and the intensive workshopping of cross-media projects, tutorials and talks from external experts that took place.

  • Is That All There Is?


    Jim Carroll asks if an honest acceptance of the diminished role a brand or category plays in consumers’ lives encourage us to think harder about utility, experience and reward.

  • Facebook: The End of the Beginning


    Claire Coady responds to Inside Facebook’s confirmation of what we all know: that there are some users who’re just not that into Facebook.

  • The Future of Connected TV


    Matthew Kershaw writes about the frothy bubble of excitement growing around the future of Connected TV.

  • Tonight: Kronenbourg 1664 Hosts a Live Q&A with Suggs from Madness


    Agathe Guerrier writes about the upcoming Kronenbourg 1664 live event on the brand’s YouTube channel, as part of its Slow the Pace campaign.

  • Tech & Adland, Together - A Perspective on Cannes 2011


    Mel Exon reflects on the unprecedented co-attendance of advertisers and tech companies at Cannes Lions 2011.

  • Hegarty on Advertising


    Mel Exon and John Hegarty discuss Hegarty’s upcoming book “Hegarty on Advertising”.

  • 3D or Not 3D


    Davud Karbassioun writes about the serious comeback of 3D in the world of film.

  • Growth Needs Space


    Mel Exon reflects on Sir John Hegarty’s speech at Cannes Lions and the idea that growth needs space.

  • What People in Brands Can Learn from People in Bands


    Neil Barrie shares lessons he learned as a member of a band that have helped him in his role at Zag, BBH’s brand ventures division.


  • What Collaborative Consumption Means for Marketers


    Saneel Radia writes about Rachel Botsman’s TEDxSydney talk on collaborative consumption and how little most marketers are thinking about the impact of crowds on the future of consumption.

  • The State of the Web 2010


    Griffin Farley writes about Mary Meeker’s latest State of the Web presentation from Morgan Stanley.

  • A Short Article About Long Form


    Today, we’re ascending the slopes of Mount Sinai, the computer ready in our pockets and the promised land of ubiquitous always-on connection is on the horizon. But before we get there maybe there is a place for long-form communications to occupy us, writes Jeremy Ettinghausen.

  • St John Ambulance: The Difference


    Mel Exon catches up with one of the Creative Directors on this project and shares our starters for ten on what perhaps we can take from it.

  • How to Do Propagation Planning


    Griffin Farley explores Ivan Pollard’s idea of Propagation Planning.

  • Getting to Know Your Twitter Followers


    Aaron Richard of Big Spaceship, Brooklyn, shares a map with us showing where Big Spaceship’s many thousands of followers live.

  • My Last Post: Some Things I Learned at BBH


    Ben Malbon reflects on his time at BBH, after stumbling through the door of BBH London in 2005.

  • How the CIA Define Problems


    Ben Malbon looks into how the CIA defines problems, but also (thanks to Iqbal Mohammed) the follow-up list of questions they use to develop the plan. Which seems kind of important too.

  • Screw Relationships; Let's Have a Fling


    Saneel Radia writes about social media flings amidst buzz about privacy issues.

  • The Economies of Small


    Mel Exon shares her thoughts on Cory Doctorow’s new novel “Makers”.

  • Isn't Crowdsourcing Just Good Marketing?


    Mel Exon interviews Rick Liebling, author of ‘Everyone is Illuminated’ about our collective interest in crowdsourcing and the creative and commercial opportunities and challenges it throws up.

  • Where Does the Agency End and the Crowd Begin?


    Ben Malbon writes about his experience at the ‘Crowdsourcery Potions 101′ event at JWT, at Social Media Week in NYC.


  • The Future of Digital Magazines


    Mel Exon writes about a concept video from the design consultancy Berg for Bonnier R&D which has stopped us in our tracks.

  • What Actually Goes On at Boulder Digital Works


    Boulder Digital Works at the University of Colorado (BDWCU) is a cutting edge new school designed to create ‘the leaders of the future’ in the design, tech and creative industries. Sounds great, but what do the first intake of students really think about it, so far? And what are the ‘works’ that actually go on there? Ben Malbon takes a look.

  • Kraftwerk, Just Jamming


    We’re hopelessly devoted fans of Kraftwerk here at BBH Labs, almost certainly in a way that is slightly backward, says Ben Malbon.

  • Information Wants to Be Free


    Mel Exon looks at the third annual FEED 2009 report, the emphasis it squarely places on brands and the degree to which digital brand experiences shape & drive purchase.

  • The Phonebook - The Future of Interactive Storytelling


    This is so brilliantly simple, and hints at a very interesting emerging platform both for conventional storytelling (in this case, reading with kids) but also for new opportunities where print meets interactivity anywhere, writes Ben Malbon.

  • Music Retail: The Rise of Digital


    Ben Malbon provides a good summary of some of the key shifts in music retail.

  • Why Elect The Jury is a Great Idea, but Doesn't Go Far Enough


    Ben Malbon writes about involving the industry in collaboratively determining who should judge what is ‘great work’ and how it is a more democratic and more interesting way to put together a broad-ranging panel of top notch creative people.

  • Micro Mobility: I Want to Break Free


    We spend a lot of time thinking about how now you can do things when you step away from the confines of your desk — tweeting in the supermarket, replying to email on the escalator. Richard Schatzberger asks how mobility comes into play when you are in a fixed location.

  • If You Want A Conversation, Say Something Interesting


    Lots of smart people have made compelling arguments recently for the shift from campaign to conversation thinking, writes Patricia McDonald.

  • So What Exactly Might Adaptive Brand Marketing Be?


    The imminent publication of Forrester’s new report on the challenges facing clients – “Adaptive Brand Marketing: Rethinking Your Approach to Branding in the Digital Age” is a welcome turning of the spotlight toward client organizations, writes Ben Malbon and Greg Anderson.

  • To The Ends of the Earth


    Mel Exon writes about Blog Action Day and what we’re most excited about: that word in the middle, action.

  • The Coming Age of Augmentation


    Mel Exon writes about two thoughts that collided in the collective Labs brain a short while ago. By ‘collided’ we mean we saw a consequence of the relationship between the two that made us sit up and think.

  • I Think Therefore I Am (A Self-Aware, Superhuman Cyborg)


    This post exists to house the material we digested to write the “The Coming Age of Augmentation” Labs post which follows this one.

  • We Are The Robots


    In eager anticipation of the new Terminator film, Adam Glickman pokes around what’s happening in the world of robots.

  • Twitter: The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning


    The crescendo of noise around Twitter grows by the second, writes Ben Malbon.

  • Effective CRM You Won't Read About in Adweek


    Adam Glickman takes a stroll through the darker alleys of the internet to peek at marketing and outreach techniques by some of society’s better-known ideological enemies.

  • 10 Reasons Why There's Not More Great Work in the Interactive Space


    Ben Malbon takes a look at some great, insightful and provocative replies to the earlier question around the perceived paucity of great work in interactive.

  • Why Isn't There More Great Work in the Interactive Space?


    There’s a debate that, if not quite raging, is certainly simmering about the perceived lack of breakthrough creativity in digital brand advertising, writes Ben Malbon.

  • Linking Intelligently


    I transitioned from tinyurl.com to bit.ly earlier this year. Probably way after most people started using it. It’s awesome, writes Ben Malbon.

  • And We've Arrived


    So we’ve been micro blogging via Twitter for a while now, but figured it was about time we had a little more meat in our sandwich.