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We Need a Vagina in the Meeting
As we endeavour to encourage more women to enter and succeed in our industry, are some of our efforts actually in danger of having the opposite effect? Asks Saskia Jones, Data Strategy Director and Partner at BBH. -
Forget Human Truth, Brands Should Be Talking Human Fiction
In an industry obsessed with human truth, surrounded by a world in love with fiction, does advertising need to leave the facts behind, asks Mel Arrow, Strategy Director and Partner at BBH.
Strategists Know Nothing About People
Earlier this month I went to the APG Strategy Conference: On the Contrary which sought to bring together speakers on ‘the power of contrarian thinking to challenge convention’. Rather surprisingly they all came with one very similar observation, writes Clémence Lépinard, Strategist at BBH London.
Unlearning Me: James Snowden's 10 Years at BBH Singapore
Most Western thinking ignores the fact that 70% of the world’s population live in collective societies, writes James Sowden, reflecting on his tenure as Managing Partner at BBH Singapore.
We Are In An Efficiency Bubble
Following on from Thomas Wagner’s piece on the race to efficiently average 15 seconds ads, it seems marketing as a whole is in an efficiency bubble, writes Will Lion, BBH London’s Head of Strategy 2015-2018 and now Head of New Products.
The Future of Strategy
When Europeans set sail for the New World, there were two key tasks explorers needed to plan for: first, how would they know if they were heading the right way; and second, who could tell them where the treasure was when they got there? Writes Ben Shaw.
Something in the Air
Writing the last instalment in this series of leadership advice for a Head of Strategy is not unlike the feeling we had taking on the department a few years ago. We were keenly aware that we were standing on the shoulders of giants. And that’s a nice feeling. We felt we could see much further for talking to and learning from our predecessors, write Will Lion and Lilli English.
The World Cup of Advertising Books
There are so many must-read advertising books. Exhausted from these never-ending reading lists, Lucian, Harry and Tom decided to make the list to end all lists, The World Cup of Advertising Books.
The Jean Brodie School of Planning Leadership
Jim Carroll, former Chairman & Head of Strat at BBH London, returns to Labs once more, this time to offer Ben Shaw leadership advice in this ongoing series. We highly recommend that you also visit Jim’s blog where he writes once a week.
Selling To Machines, Our Next Customer
Will Artificial Intelligence take all the jobs in advertising? Not if we get better at what we do. We must use our creativity and open our hearts to understand the Machines, writes Pelle Sjoenell, Worldwide Chief Creative Officer of BBH
People, People, People
‘As I get older, the more old cliches reveal their old truths. Sorry Ben, but my one piece of advice to you therefore, is a cliché – people, people, people’, writes Nick Kendall, former Head of Strategy at BBH, in our ongoing series where Ben Shaw asks for leadership advice.
Great Advertising is Simple
Before I worked in advertising I thought it’d be the easiest job in the world. Now I work at BBH. I still think advertising is that simple, writes Lucian Trestler, Strategy Director at BBH and Editor of BBH Labs.
The Wrong and the Shit of It
Our industry’s effectiveness bible, The Long and the Short of It, is a huge compilation of lessons from winners, yet it is in the losers that we can best understand success, writes Harry Guild, strategist at BBH London
Managing the Unmanageable
Leading a team of strategists is the ultimate torture test of your management skills. Imagine a gaggle of introverted, smart, and hyper-critical individuals whose default setting is to judge you unworthy of their time. I like to think that once you’ve managed strategists, you can manage anything, writes AG Head of Strategy at BBH LA.
Articulate Anger
Jim Carroll, former Chairman of BBH, returns to Labs for this sharply observed guest post about ‘Hope to Nope: Graphics and Politics 2008-18’ at the Design Museum.
The Worst of Times, The Best of Times
Ben Shaw calls for a more diverse, more questioning, more antagonising and above all – louder department, as he takes over as Head of Strategy at BBH London.
FWD to CEO: The Most Valuable Business Tool Ever Invented
A brand can be a company’s most valuable commercial asset, but persuading CEOs to invest in theirs has never been harder. In an open letter to all CMOs, everywhere, Tom Roach, Managing Partner at BBH, shares key data-points to help them in that task.
Three Billboards Outside Grenfell Tower, London
At the centre of the story is the power of 3 billboards to force people’s attention back onto this crime, in the hope that one day justice will be served.
Manifestos Should Be as Short as Possible
For some time brands have broadcast lengthy ‘manifestos’ to differentiate themselves from the competition when perhaps less is more, writes Lucian Trestler, Strategy Director at BBH and Editor of BBH Labs.